Yesterday, Star Stable added a pretty big update to the game. Now, we can eat and dine at the many cafes in Jorvik. This includes the Cafe at Fort Pinta, Goldenhills Valley, and of course Stablebucks Cafe in the Harvest Counties. Personally, I like Stablebucks Cafe the best, the music there really sets the mood. Yesterday, I decided to have a piece of Raspberry Pie and a cup of tea. The music there is quite interesting I  must say, it's like some French music, but it's AWESOME. To order, you click the order button and a waitress comes. You can choose between all sorts of pastries, tea, coffee, and even smoothies! I hope they add some more food in the future. The food by the way is fairly inexpensive, it's usually between 1-3 SC or 20 something JS. While I was there, I even bumped into my former clubbie, Courtney Bigstone. We chatted for a while. Here are some pictures I took of the new update: (I'm sorry if they're a bit small, I believe if you click on them it will enlarge the picture.)
Okay, so first of all, happy New Year's Eve everybody! I figured out that with hard work and determination, I actually can run Star Stable on my laptop. It still takes a long time and is still glitchy and laggy all the time but who cares. It will do until I get my normal computer back. :3 Anyways, to celebrate the New Year, me and my clubbie, Stephanie Dawnborn went on a hack. My other friend Brooklyn Birchlake joined in as well, it was so much fun! We took the Eastern Trail (One of my favorites! <3) around the grey dew mountains, unfortunate dews farm, and the forgotten fields. Everything looks so pretty in the wintertime it's unbelievable. I also had a chat with my best friend Bethany Candlehurricane. (If you're reading this you're AMAZING!) Anyways then we headed back. I didn't get a chance to take many pictures as we were having so much fun, but here are the ones I took anyways. :D
Ooooh! Almost forgot, I also lit some FIREWORKS! They are absolutely amazing this year, especially the Mark 5 ones, I LOVE how they come in all different colors! Here are some pictures: (If you can't see, the fireworks spell out "Star Stable." :)
Oh. My. Gosh, okay so remember when I told you guys that my laptop didn't have enough RAM memory to run Star Stable? Well, last night, it magically was able to run it, even with low RAM! Too bad I found that out at 10:00 PM. Anyways, I stayed up until one in the morning playing Star Stable! I have a really small laptop, (Inspiron Mini) and it doesn't run games well, so Star Stable was running at only 10 FPS! (Frames per Second.) Still, even though it was glitchy and laggy, I was happy for every second of it! I even got to do the Christmas quests! Well, the first day at least, lol. Anyways, It took me like 10 minutes to bring a tree back to Conrad because I couldn't see where I was going, it looked like the tree was riding the horse, not me, lol. It was the same story with getting a tree for Jarlaheim! Sad thing though, I went on this morning and the "Not Enough RAM" error message came up, I tried several times but nothing happened, sigh... Maybe it has to do with what time of day it is...I'll try again tonight! Bye!

Ciao for now!

- Lilli
I'm so sorry! I have not died! I'm sorry if I haven't been replying to you if you sent me in-game mail. My room has been under renovation and my computer had to be temporarily removed for a couple of months. That means, I have no internet, which means I can't play SSO. So, no you're probably wondering how I'm writing this post if I don't have internet, well I lied. I do...sort of...I'm on my school laptop right now so I could write this post, but it doesn't have enough RAM memory to be able to run Star Stable. *sob* I am going insane without Star Stable! All I can do is dream about it and watch YouTube videos of other people playing it. But now, my room is done and my final task is to get my dad to hook up my computer. (Not an easy task :P SORRY DADDY!) Oh dear, my poor horses...


    Hi, I'm Lilli Winterbell, and I am the admin of this site. If you ever need help with anything about Star Stable, I'm happy to help! You can also mail me in game with a question, just make sure your inbox isn't full so I can reply to you! :D


    January 2014
    December 2013

