Yesterday, Star Stable added a pretty big update to the game. Now, we can eat and dine at the many cafes in Jorvik. This includes the Cafe at Fort Pinta, Goldenhills Valley, and of course Stablebucks Cafe in the Harvest Counties. Personally, I like Stablebucks Cafe the best, the music there really sets the mood. Yesterday, I decided to have a piece of Raspberry Pie and a cup of tea. The music there is quite interesting I  must say, it's like some French music, but it's AWESOME. To order, you click the order button and a waitress comes. You can choose between all sorts of pastries, tea, coffee, and even smoothies! I hope they add some more food in the future. The food by the way is fairly inexpensive, it's usually between 1-3 SC or 20 something JS. While I was there, I even bumped into my former clubbie, Courtney Bigstone. We chatted for a while. Here are some pictures I took of the new update: (I'm sorry if they're a bit small, I believe if you click on them it will enlarge the picture.)

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    Hi, I'm Lilli Winterbell, and I am the admin of this site. If you ever need help with anything about Star Stable, I'm happy to help! You can also mail me in game with a question, just make sure your inbox isn't full so I can reply to you! :D


    January 2014
    December 2013

